No One Grieves Alone
We provide support for children ages 4 through 18 years of age as well as adults at NO COST. Our mission is to support children and families through connection and the sharing of their grief journey after the death of a loved one. We believe no one should grieve alone. View our case for support.
6500 sq ft of space for grief and transformation

1 in 10 children will experience the death of a parent or sibling before they turn 18
In the past 5 years, Dustin's Place has utilized borrowed space and served over 900 individuals! We are so thankful to Plymouth Community Church for their generosity but it is time to create a new home for grieving children and families!
What will our new home include:
This new space will be a sanctuary of hope, healing, and transformation for children and families in our community. It will be a place where children of all ages can come together to share their stories, express their emotions through art, physical activity, and support groups, and receive the individual care and support they need. We will also be able to offer workshops for parents and families, as well as provide additional resources such as individual counseling for those navigating their grief journey.
On Site Peer Grief Support
In our current space we are only able to offer groups every other Monday night and are limited in the number of groups we can offer. In this new space, we will offer daytime groups, evening groups, and even Saturday workshops for families! We will continue our summer camp and add in other single event grief support groups.

Art Expression
This room will be equipped with art supplies and guided activities to allow children to process their grief through creative expression. Art therapy has proven to be an effective method for helping children articulate complex emotions that may be difficult to express verbally.

Physical Expression - Volcano Room
A unique feature of the center, the Volcano Room will provide a space for physical expression. Children will engage in activities like jumping, stomping, or other movement-based exercises that help release built-up emotions in a healthy and controlled manner.

Family Dining Room
The center will also include a family dining room that can accommodate up to 100 individuals for communal family dinners. This space will help strengthen family connections and provide a sense of normalcy and togetherness during difficult times. Shared meals can foster a supportive environment and allow families to bond in a space that promotes healing. In addition to meal times, this space will be utilized for workshops and professional development trainings for the community.

Dustin’s Place Children’s Grief Center will serve as a transformative space where children and families can find solace and hope. Grief support is an essential part of mental health, and by equipping children with coping skills and emotional tools, this initiative aims to prevent future challenges such as substance use, suicidal tendencies, and academic struggles.

We invite you to join us in this mission and help make this vision a reality. Your contribution will help us provide a safe, nurturing space where children and families can transform, connect, and grow. Together, we can make sure that no child ever has to grieve alone. For more information about the campaign, how you can get involved, or to make a contribution, please contact Viki Brown at 574-529-0528 or

As we move closer to our goal, your contribution—no matter the size—will make a significant difference in helping us complete the renovations and provide a safe, transformative space for grieving children and families
As an individual or a business, we are seeking room sponsorships throughout the building. Reach out for details on how to sponsor a room.
One of the most impactful ways to support this project and honor someone you love is to name a room or a space in their memory. Reach out today for more details.

Dustin's Place is committed to providing FREE grief support to the children and families of our community. That is only possible through your support and donations! It costs approximately $1172 per child each year for free grief support and we will never charge our families!
Every dollar helps!
Click below to donate.